2/7/2024 11:55:24 AM How to be unpopular but safe: get those Payment Notices & Pay Less Notices served on time By Michael Craik “With market activity slowing in some sectors and deflationary pressures mounting, contractor pricing is expected to be more competitive...
2/15/2023 10:25:12 PM Shropshire police save Easter and TCC judge saves an adjudicator's decision but the winner ends up paying the loser. How can that be? By Michael Craik Sudlows v. Global Switch Estates (21 December 2022) is another TCC case concerning the disputed right to enforce an adjudicator's...
11/16/2022 5:39:56 PM Adjudication Enforcement - arbitration agreement is no defence to paying £22.5m Northumbrian Water v. Doosan (1) Tilbury (2) By Michael Craik Love him (really?) or loathe him, ‘The Donald’ is an ingenious fellow who is never, it seems, prepared to admit he will lose or has lost...
5/19/2022 11:28:00 AM Smash & Grab is here to stay By Michael Craik Bexheat Limited v. Essex Services Group Limited[1] I read recently that lawyers (well, not all lawyers and not only lawyers) are...
12/6/2021 10:30:14 AM Adjudication and abuse of process: what's the panic all about? G&D Brickwork v. Marbanks By Michael Craik What no snogging at the office Christmas party? And would the current Government really have breached its own lockdown rules by holding a...
10/20/2021 11:16:23 AM One big DISPUTE or many small disputes? That is the question. By Michael Craik The papers seem full of reports that the Tory love affair with UK business is at an end and, from the long list of concerns raised by...
6/9/2021 1:44:52 PM Construction Adjudicators 4 : Responding Parties 1 - they think it's all over; it is now. By Michael Craik That (a 4 - 1 win by 'Engerland' on 11 July 2021 in the delayed Euro 2020 final) would be nice, especially if Harry Kane could emulate...
4/22/2021 12:00:00 AM It's 'nul' points from the TCC: Transport for Greater Manchester v. Kier Construction Limited (31 March 2021) By Michael Craik It will soon be Eurovision 2021 time (yippee) and Radio 2 (other channels are available) is playing this year's UK entry, 'Embers' by...
1/7/2021 12:00:00 AM No deal, means no deal - Aqua Leisure v. Benchmark Leisure (18 December 2020) By Michael Craik Does anyone remember Brexit and the endless media reports about 'deal or no deal'? Well, a deal was done on Christmas Eve, but the...
11/16/2020 12:00:00 AM A loss of jurisdiction - Dominic Cummings, adjudicators and letters of intent (OD Developments v. Oak Dry Lining Ltd) By Michael Craik Friday 13th looks like being a bad day for Mr Cummings, an individual many credit for, amongst other things, masterminding the pro-Brexit...
8/10/2020 12:00:00 AM Adjudication: make sure your drafting is clear or it's 'smash & grab' all over again. By Michael Craik The story of the German gentleman chasing a wild boar that had snatched his bag brought to mind (quite naturally) the court's decision in...
6/18/2020 12:00:00 AM Supreme Court VAR rules Court of Appeal's ongoing injunction off-side - Bresco v. Lonsdale (17 June 2020) By Michael Craik The 'beautiful game' is back and so too is the controversy over the use (or failure) of technology, this time its goal-line Hawk-Eye in...