6/25/2020 12:00:00 AM Conflicts of Interest: will people never learn? By Michael Craik Mr Jenrick is in the news again and so too is the issue of 'conflicts of interest'. At the end of May 2020, the Government agreed to...
6/18/2020 12:00:00 AM Supreme Court VAR rules Court of Appeal's ongoing injunction off-side - Bresco v. Lonsdale (17 June 2020) By Michael Craik The 'beautiful game' is back and so too is the controversy over the use (or failure) of technology, this time its goal-line Hawk-Eye in...
6/9/2020 4:35:00 PM Clearing the Air(bnb) - More Guidance on Airbnb Lettings By Rosalind Cullis The question of whether a leaseholder can rent their property on Airbnb or similar platforms has been considered again, this time by the...
6/9/2020 12:00:00 AM Is England set for a Cafe Culture? By John Bosworth The FT is reporting that as part of the Government's attempts help the beleaguered pub industry that Robert Jenrick, housing and local...
6/8/2020 5:08:00 PM Sweet Dreams or a Nightmare? (A case law update with no mention of Covid-19) By Rosalind Cullis The case of Dreams Limited v Pavilion Property Trustees Limited and (2) Pavilion Trustees Limited serves as a reminder of the need for...
6/4/2020 2:51:00 PM Urning its place on the List? By Robin Barnes Supreme Court makes landmark decision in Listed Building dispute. Over the last few years, the Courts have been asked countless times to...
6/4/2020 2:07:00 PM A conclusive decision on service charges By Rosalind Cullis Service charges are likely to become hotly contested in light of Covid-19. Are landlords at an advantage if leases contain a “conclusive...
6/3/2020 10:26:06 AM Pandemic Re - A new insurance for the property market? By Roger Thornton A group of insurance company CEOs have got together to discuss a Pandemic Re insurance fund to cover Pandemic insurance Policies. The...
6/1/2020 12:00:00 AM The industry and government collaborating on a code of practice to help high street businesses. By Anastasia Klein Great news to see that REVO, the BPF and others are working with the government to produce a code of practice to try to encourage "fair...