1/31/2024 9:41:18 AM Responsible, even if not at fault - Remediation Contribution Orders under the BSA2022 By Chris Xitsas Last week, Get Living was ordered to contribute £18m to remediate fire safety issues at the Olympic Village in East London. The...
1/23/2024 5:01:06 PM Hospitality in transition By Tim Dodd The hospitality industry is in transition. The pandemic, the ever-growing proliferation of hotel brands, the merging of international...
1/23/2024 11:30:30 AM The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 – further updates to the Register of Overseas Entities By Megan Newnham We have previously written about the Register of Overseas Entities (ROE)[1], introduced by the Economic Crime (Transparency and...
1/23/2024 9:56:47 AM Focus on…..Borrower’s Bank Accounts and REF Investment Deals By Maples Teesdale On a REF investment deal, the debt is serviced by the rental income a property generates. As well as taking security over the underlying...
1/23/2024 9:46:44 AM No ‘Hope’ of recovery for negligent valuation? By Charis Almond Valuations are a critical part of lenders’ decision to lend, but they are not the only factor. The recent decision in Hope Capital v...
1/10/2024 3:01:17 PM Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023 By Robin Barnes Lydia Cassettari The Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023 (LURA) received Royal Assent on 26 October 2023, introducing a raft of new measures, but more...