12/20/2019 12:07:31 PM Just how much profit am I allowed to make? By John Bosworth This is a regular question that developer's ask in the context of viability assessments. This appeal decision provides a few pointers,...
12/5/2019 12:00:00 AM Don't let election day 2019 hide "Adjudication Ambush" Friday 13th By Michael Craik One week to go (as if we did not know) before general election day 2019 and the promises as to what each party (if successful) will...
11/28/2019 2:34:00 PM Hands on London By Eleanor Crawford-Drake There are just some of the coats donated by the MT team on their way to @handsonlondon. These unwanted coats are redistributed to local...
11/19/2019 3:29:11 PM Sports Direct to seek turnover-based rents By Rob Mullarkey This weekend the Sunday Times reported that Mike Ashley, Chief Executive of Sports Direct International plc, is demanding that landlords...
11/5/2019 11:26:33 AM Climate change - a material consideration for the purposes of a planning application By Robin Barnes The High Court has decided that climate change amounts to a material consideration for the purposes of a planning application. In...
11/4/2019 10:10:46 AM Thinking of CPO? Establish the planning first By John Bosworth Reading that the landowner has doubled the planning potential of a site acquired to enable the Brentford Stadium relocation suggests that...
10/30/2019 3:34:39 PM Section 73 applications - what's the state of play? By Robin Barnes Section 73 applications have been hitting the headlines in recent months, as the case of London Borough of Lambeth v Secretary of State...
10/30/2019 12:00:00 AM The London Plan: look again at the greenbelt By John Bosworth The Inspector's report on the London Plan contains some sensible recommendations regarding the green belt. The Mayor is asked to review...
10/29/2019 2:42:26 PM Conservation Covenants update By Robin Barnes Further to the consultation on Conservation Covenants, the Government now look set to introduce these through the Environment Bill,...
10/22/2019 1:28:00 PM Legal Bake Off By Holly Stylianou The Legal Bake Off is back with bigger and sweeter cakes :) Maples Teesdale are proud to support and take part in fundraising for London...
10/10/2019 12:00:00 AM Think LADs before you say, "You're Fired!" By Michael Craik I am frequently asked by clients, "can I sack my contractor?". Answer, "of course you can but it might harm your wallet". Rights of...
10/10/2019 12:00:00 AM A great site with huge potential, but who will develop it? By John Bosworth It is looking increasingly likely that Hammersmith and Fulham Council are going to intervene in order to kick-start the regeneration of...