8/23/2023 11:03:07 AM Rounders in Regent's Park By Maples Teesdale Last night was the perfect weather for the MT rounders competition in Regent's Park.
8/23/2023 8:20:33 AM Crooked House - a planning perspective By Robin Barnes Last week, the destruction of a much loved 18th century pub near Dudley in the West Midlands hit the headlines. "Britain's wonkiest pub",...
8/8/2023 3:52:11 PM Relaxation of permitted development rights: has the pendulum swung too far? By Norheen Choudhury The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (the “DLHC”) have recently published an open consultation seeking views on...
8/3/2023 4:31:05 PM The new JCT 2024 suite of contracts: little green persons delayed completion By Michael Craik So, all those conspiracy theorists were (and are) correct after all; little green persons and UAPs (formerly called UFOs) do exist. And...
8/2/2023 9:14:00 AM Financing Green Hospitality: Empowering Hotels with Green Loans and Sustainability-Linked Loans By Brooke McNeil It is estimated that there are over 17.5m hotel rooms globally, with more in the development pipeline. The hotel sector, like the broader...