11/16/2022 5:39:56 PM Adjudication Enforcement - arbitration agreement is no defence to paying £22.5m Northumbrian Water v. Doosan (1) Tilbury (2) By Michael Craik Love him (really?) or loathe him, ‘The Donald’ is an ingenious fellow who is never, it seems, prepared to admit he will lose or has lost...
8/23/2022 10:07:22 AM Binding Arbitration: Time is Running Out! By Claire Munn Binding arbitration under the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 (“the Act”) was introduced by the Government as a last resort for...
12/6/2021 10:30:14 AM Adjudication and abuse of process: what's the panic all about? G&D Brickwork v. Marbanks By Michael Craik What no snogging at the office Christmas party? And would the current Government really have breached its own lockdown rules by holding a...
12/1/2020 12:00:00 AM Arbitration: Conflicts of Interest, the Supreme Court and farewell Darth Vader (aka David Prowse) By Michael Craik "No, I am your father", are words known to any Star Wars fan and I am one having watched the Episode IV: A New Hope in The County cinema,...