7/26/2023 9:27:00 AM Mandate letters – a strict interpretation By Zoe Miller Mandate letters, or commitment letters, are sent by an arranging bank (an ‘arranger’) to a borrower in syndicated transactions. The...
4/28/2023 10:44:00 AM Focus on… Sustainability Linked Loans By Zoe Miller Sustainability linked loans (′SLLs′) are loans where a proportion of the interest rate is linked to the borrower’s ability to meet...
4/28/2023 10:11:00 AM Appropriation – An Under Used Remedy! By Zoe Miller Lenders will often take security over a borrower’s shares, which gives them the option to enforce their security through a sale of...
10/16/2022 10:59:00 AM The Pension Schemes Act 2021 – Implications for lenders By Zoe Miller The Pension Schemes Act was introduced following the failures of the BHS and British Steel pension schemes with the intention of...
5/3/2022 11:35:00 AM ESG Market Update By Zoe Miller Sustainability is becoming a fast fixture in real estate, which is reflected in the growing variety of sustainability-linked loan...
4/27/2022 2:27:00 PM The Register of Overseas Entities By Zoe Miller A new register giving details of the beneficial ownership of all overseas entities who own UK property whether commercial or residential...
11/17/2021 3:19:00 PM The rise and rise of ESG By Zoe Miller cop2November’s COP26 has reinforced the focus on environmental issues across all sectors and at all levels, from businesses to consumers,...
3/2/2021 12:00:00 AM Student Accommodation sees green shoots of spring By Zoe Miller Warmer weather, impressive vaccination figures and a slow easing of lock-down measures and it is no wonder that one starts to see the...
9/17/2020 12:00:00 AM Outlook for Alternatives By Zoe Miller Alternatives within the Real Estate sector have held up better than expected with good occupancy levels and strong institutional investor...
5/7/2020 1:13:00 PM Purpose Built Student Accommodation - what now? By Zoe Miller The purpose-built student accommodation market was estimated to be worth more than £50bn by Knight Frank ahead of the Covid-19 outbreak,...