11/11/2024 2:03:24 PM Ooops! Inserted the wrong address? Does it matter? By Michael Craik I did chuckle to myself on my morning Uber Boat commute when I heard this story on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, which was that the...
9/19/2024 9:55:03 AM Breaking Up Is Hard to Do (or is it?) - termination of a building contract (Providence Building v. Hexagon Housing, 15 August 2024) By Michael Craik “Breaking Up Is Hard to Do” sang Neil Sedaka (those born after 2000, please Google) which, according to the broadsheets and national...
2/19/2024 10:16:37 AM 'Dear England' - where is your boundary? Section 104(6)(b) of the Construction Act. By Michael Craik Do you remember the play about a football manager that sparked (in England) a feelgood factor and who boosted the sales of waistcoats...
2/7/2024 11:55:24 AM How to be unpopular but safe: get those Payment Notices & Pay Less Notices served on time By Michael Craik “With market activity slowing in some sectors and deflationary pressures mounting, contractor pricing is expected to be more competitive...
8/3/2023 4:31:05 PM The new JCT 2024 suite of contracts: little green persons delayed completion By Michael Craik So, all those conspiracy theorists were (and are) correct after all; little green persons and UAPs (formerly called UFOs) do exist. And...
7/19/2023 10:17:00 AM South West Terminal Ltd v. Achter Land & Cattle Ltd [1] By Michael Craik A Canadian case, so not binding on the English courts; it is of interest though. Coffee Time Summary The judge decided, on the facts,...
7/18/2023 12:26:41 PM Cashflow may be King but adjudication does not always work as planned: J&B Hopkins Limited v. A&V Building Solution Limited (a legal saga) By Michael Craik Zombies will be wiped out, which is good news for many but bad news for online gamers and fans of World War Z (which I never watched nor...
7/17/2023 2:34:58 PM Be careful what you emoji or 'smiley face' this week By Michael Craik I have come across many ground breaking developments in 30 years of legal practice including a precursor to the 'contract by emoji'. Back...
3/6/2023 12:43:39 PM Construction Adjudication & Contracting with Financially Unsound Parties: WRB (NI) Ireland v. Henry Construction Projects Limited By Michael Craik The phrase ‘hoist with his own petard’ came to mind when I delved into the world of Hancock and Oakeshott. While the great wordsmith Bill...
2/15/2023 10:25:12 PM Shropshire police save Easter and TCC judge saves an adjudicator's decision but the winner ends up paying the loser. How can that be? By Michael Craik Sudlows v. Global Switch Estates (21 December 2022) is another TCC case concerning the disputed right to enforce an adjudicator's...
1/30/2023 12:27:24 PM How standards change. The same seems to be happening with the Employer's Agent/Contract Administrators. Is this a new trend? I hope not. By Michael Craik In one of my increasingly common Ed Reardon moments, I found myself nodding in approval when reading this piece from the Grauniad...
1/20/2023 11:51:45 AM Can I have a flat white please? Construction contracts and the payment process - it is just a question of coffee cups. By Michael Craik Hi, while my coffee is being made I will remind you how the payment process under a 'construction contract' works by using the analogy of...