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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

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Shopping Centres – a new lease of life

Shopping centres are taking on a new lease of life, post-pandemic. These spaces, when managed correctly, can play a pivotal role in local development, and can act as focal point for the community.

An excellent example is Fulham Broadway, which is the leading the way as a ‘destination-led leisure flagship’. As a part of continued investment, the centre is developing a unique offering for customer experience – the most recent addition being David Lloyd's renovated venue, which is due to open in the first quarter of 2024. The revamped club will unveil, among other facilities, a cutting-edge gym, 20m indoor pool and a Clubroom where members can socialise and relax.

In addition to the recent introduction of Fulham Works (a flexible workspace by Spacemade), this further development reflects the centre’s focus on offering a variety of different facilities. In addition to increasing footfall, this also allows the site to serve different members of the community - be it office workers, families or local residents.

Though it is clear that the traditional shopping centre no longer plays the role that it once did in retail, developments - such as Fulham Broadway - show that shopping centres are still relevant. High-quality and diverse spaces allow retailers to take advantage of varied and high footfall, while additions such as indoor walls can enhance a shopping centre’s environment in such a way that it becomes more than ‘just a place to shop’, and instead provides community members with a space in which they can gather and socialise.

It will be exciting to see what else is in the pipeline for Fulham Broadway in 2024 but if one thing is for certain, it is that the new David Lloyd club's facilities will be ‘worth the wait’.

Maples Teesdale LLP act as legal advisor to CBRE Investment Management on lettings and management issues at Fulham Broadway Shopping Centre.

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