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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

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Flexible workspaces are proving to be big business

As we continue to see the boundaries between home, work and our social lives blur, the surge of interest in flexible workspaces shows no sign of slowing down. 

For landlords this represents an opportunity as flexible workspaces go mainstream, spreading from conventional offices into retail shopping centres, driven by economic uncertainty and the consumer's desire for flexibility. Increasingly we are seeing that the consumer is looking for higher quality space, with good amenities and facilities, allowing them to make connections and spark a creativity that is good for us all. 

The question is: can landlords continue to use the sector to provide a shot in the arm for their retail tenants, bringing engagement and vitality to retail spaces that are in need of a post-Christmas boost?

Flexible workspace operator Spacemade has signed management agreements for two more workspaces in Fulham Broadway and Wandsworth, React News can reveal. The deals bring its total number of spaces to 14 and cements its position as the fastest-growing operator of pure management agreements in the UK.

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workspace, alex homatas, construction, offices, flexible workspace, landlords, tenants