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SEGRO stalls Heathrow development over airport uncertainty

The uncertainty around Heathrow expansion and if, how, and when it will take place is putting life on hold for owners and occupiers in the shadow of potential major disruption/compulsory acquisition. Owners with occupiers who don’t want to commit other than on a short term basis need to think carefully now, if they are not doing so already, about how they build evidence of rents, lease terms, and investment values in an non-expansion world to support a valuation for CPO purposes”

SEGRO stalls Heathrow development over airport uncertainty By David Hatcher16/02/2018 | IndustrialPrintDownloadShare SEGRO is to pause major redevelopment around Heathrow until there is greater clarity over if and when the airport will be expanded.

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heathrow, heathrow expansion, commercial real estate, commercial property, cpo, uncertainty, ownership, occupier