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The Great Property Bike Ride 2024

A day out of the office participating in the CBRE Great Property Bike Ride 2024, starting and finishing at Sandown Park Racecourse.

Over 800 riders took part this year in support of Alzheimer's Society. A great route which took in some of Surrey's best hills with a special pit stop at the top of Box Hill. Well done to my colleagues Alex Watkins, Fei Pan, Stephanie Willis and Robert Mullarkey for completing the 79km route with me. Special mention for Paul Burke who completed the daunting 122km route in 30 degree heat.

Well done CBRE UK for organising and we look forward to next year's ride.

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adam bernstein, fei pan, stephanie willis, alex watkins, robert mullarkey, paul burke, charity cycle, commercial real estate, construction, construction disputes, corporate real estate, planning, real estate disputes, real estate finance, hospitality & leisure, hotels, industrial & logistics, living, offices, retail, strategic land, csr