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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

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East End Community Foundation Winter Appeal

The Maples Teesdale elves were at East End Community Foundation on the 14 December helping their winter appeal.

This has been a tough year for everyone, and the Foundation certainly have their work cut out for them this winter. Over the holidays the Foundation is trying to reach twice as many vulnerable/isolated people as they have in previous years. Loneliness and isolation have been big themes this year which I’m sure have affected all of us at some point and there are people living locally (to the East End) who are not able to interact with others even in the tempered ways that most of us have been learning to live with.

On 14 December we sent a team of packers to the Foundation offices to help put together care packages to help those in need overcome the winter blues. Our support (in conjunction with other sponsors) will enable the Foundation to provide care packages where they are most needed.

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