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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

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This is what real ESG innovation looks like

To get fire department approval for their six-story London office project made of strong engineered wood known as mass timber, Theo Michell and Richard Walker of Bywater Properties, Maples Teesdale's client, had to build a full-scale section of it in the UK, ship it to Poland and attempt to set it on fire. 

It cost them time and money but Bywater is fully committed to a negative (not just zero or low) carbon footprint for their building, called Paradise.

The test was passed and the building is under construction. 

The mockup was set alight “with enough material that replicates the fire load that you get from furniture and carpets and desks, and all the rest of it, and you see how that structure performs,”

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commercial real estate, neil sagoo, offices, esg, sustainability, environment, mass timber, development