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The gradual recovery in retail sales is beginning to take hold

After months of hesitation following the cost-of-living crisis, retailers are beginning to express optimism that sales will begin to rise this spring. Results from a recent distributive trends survey of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), indicate that, of the 135 companies polled by the CBI, 9% acknowledged a sales projection to increase this April. Further improvements were evident in the headline sales volumes measure for March, showing at positive 1% and hitting back economists' estimate of a negative 6% reading. 

Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macreconomics stated that “gradual recovery in retail sales is beginning to take hold" but significant recovery in sales still has a long way to go. With news last week of February inflation hitting 10.4%, exceeding the 9.9% forecast, and forcing the Bank of England to hike rates by another 25 basis points, businesses and consumers are hopeful that the early trends will continue into the summer. 

Amid the economic malaise brought about the cost-of-living crisis, a majority of retailers expect sales to rise starting this spring.

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retail, arron ratti, commercial real estate, retailers, cost of living crisis, retail real estate