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Sales in hospitality up 3.9% on last year

It's been a pressing question for a while now: how would the hospitality market cope with sky high inflation and a cost of living crisis? Popular opinion was "not very well", raising fears that many businesses may have to close purely because they couldn't operate in an environment where their costs kept rising. This report is perhaps the first sign of green shoots in the sector. The growth is modest and, against sky high inflation, suggests that we need to see higher growth before we become confident that the sector is booming again. But what is clear is that demand from the public is still there. People want to go out and enjoy a drink or meal with friends and family, despite their disposable incomes being squeezed. London, as ever, has the biggest demand for sites and highest growth but I am confident that the rest of the UK will follow suit. 

February sales at Britain's leading managed restaurant, pub and bar groups were 3.9% ahead of last year on a like-for-like basis

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adam bernstein, commercial real estate, hospitality, restaurants, bars, pubs, hospitality & leisure