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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

| 1 minute read

Craving the end of dry Jan? This post isn’t for you.

But for those of you that are adorned with gleaming halos and considering continuing to limit your alcohol intake, I know just the place to go.

Lucky Saint has secured premises close to Regent’s Park to open its very first pub. Yes, an alcohol-free brand is opening a pub. My own halo may have slipped this January at around the 10th of January mark but I’m actually all for this development. Non-alcoholic socialising is not something that would have been contemplated in my parents' era but with a better understanding of the effects of alcohol on the body and cultural shifts encouraging voluntary prohibitions, I have a feeling Lucky Saint have made a canny move. Those trying to conceive, religious necessities, the sober Gen Z crowd, pregnant mamas, parents wanting social time but need to look after the kids later or those just not fancying a hangover: this could be your new hang out.

What I think is particularly clever is Lucky Saint will also be serving alcoholic beverages as the pub was born out of a wish for more inclusivity in hospitality. Wet, dry or anywhere in between, you’ll be welcome at The Lucky Saint from March 2023.

There’s no question that the thirst for low- and no-alcohol drinks just keeps growing, and you’ve probably spotted Lucky Saint beer in plenty of London venues.

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