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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

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Donut mind if I do...

Roladin has officially put the 'luxe' into donuts by setting up its first UK site on Charing Cross Road. 'Donutelier' is taking social media by storm with its deep-fried pastry goodness being a feast for the eyes as well as the tastebuds. These aren’t your average sweet treats though: the closest you'll get to a jam centre here is the vanilla royal, sporting vanilla cream, frutti di bosco varigato, wild berries crust and fresh raspberry, setting you back a cool £5.

Opening an indulgent bakery in January might have once been deemed a brave move as we all commiserate over our extended waistlines with limp salads and toast our diminishing bank balances with a tepid tap water. However, with Leeds-based Doh'hut making the move to the Capital and Longboys opening in Kings Cross, the future certainly looks bright for the sector. The brands are jumping on the band wagon that is proving successful across the hospitality industry of providing customers with experiential ways of socialising that goes beyond your average cup of coffee.

I'll take mine with sprinkles, please.

The donut renaissance over the past few years is showing little signs of slowing with a flurry of activity in recent months

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