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The hospitality sector gets competitive with F1 Arcade

A night out with friends or a work social could start to look a bit different with the arrival of new concepts like this one at One New Change, St Paul’s. F1 Arcade came to the city in November 2022 offering a chance to experience motion F1 simulators while having food and drink in the same place.

This article from formula1 details how the simulators offer different modes for all ages and abilities, as well as individual and team-based options in different venues. Competitive socialising is already very much a thing in London, with venues such as Flight Club, Bounce and All Star Lanes already offering a way to spend time with friends, work colleagues or family with food and drink, while also competing in one of these games.

The hospitality sector is thinking outside the box to remain competitive, and venues like these will provide something different for people of all ages and abilities to try out and enjoy, to keep the sector and the City alive.

“Kindred Concepts and Formula 1 have worked tirelessly to ensure F1 Arcade will provide everyone who visits, fans and non-fans alike and regardless of age or ability, an incredible premium experience.”

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commercial real estate, georgia carnegie, hospitality, leisure, hospitality and leisure, competitive socialising, commercial property