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Tiking boxes in the office sector

The office sector continues to evolve, as does the nature of companies occupying the spaces. TikTok, the short video app platform which has exploded in the past year, has signed a pre-let for a whole office building in Farringdon. The office space comprises 140,000 sq ft and is due to complete in autumn 2024. 

Not only is this prelet significant in showing how the nature of EC1 occupiers is moving on to such new and innovative companies such as this one, but the ESG angle of the deal also demonstrates the evolution of the leasing market. 

EGi says in its article that approximately 80% of the existing structure has been reused to reduce embodied carbon, with green roofs and terraces on all floors. This is an increasingly common theme in the office space, with young companies like TikTok, Snapchat and Depop favouring spaces which tick the box for being kind to the environment as well their employees. Farringdon is clearly the place to be for young tech companies, even as their employees embrace the new hybrid working model since the pandemic.

Topland managing director of Topland, Mark Kingston, said the company’s “choice to build speculatively” demonstrates “confidence in the London office market, which has now been borne out by signing such a quality client”.

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commercial real estate, environment, esg, georgia carnegie, offices, office sector, office