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M&S and carbon: it's the mood music that matters

It's a perfect storm to debate the issues of embedded carbon at the public inquiry into the redevelopment of the Marks and Spencer flagship Oxford Street store.   Following on from COP26, a summer of climate change induced record-busting temperatures and the election of a Labour controlled Westminster City Council with a 'retrofit first' planning policy, there will be much to talk about.  

Both sides have plenty of arguments assisted, dare I say it, by some smoke and mirrors.  But surely it's the big picture or the headline here that matters.   If M&S wins it will be a major setback for those promoting the retention first approach to redevelopment.  And if they lose, then surely retrofit is here to stay.

M&S Oxford Street store plan opposed by author Bill Bryson and architects

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john bosworth, planning, strategic land, embedded carbon, carbon, public inquiry, redevelopment, climate change, retrofit, planning policy, planning law, esg, commercial real estate