This is an interesting article highlighting the policies of three Councils to secure carbon reduction requirements above and beyond the requirements imposed on developers by the Building Regulations. While these attempts are laudable, there will always be some developers who will resist the application of these policies and try their luck at appeal. My impression is that Planning Inspectors are inconsistent in their approach when applying these policies, so ultimately, things are going to be hit and miss. Surely the only way to really make things happen - at least as far as new developments or refurbishments are concerned - is through binding requirements under the Building Regulations? Of course this is happening already, but wouldn't it be interesting if those in charge of securing carbon reduction through the Building Regulations had some of the same enthusiasm and energy shown by these pioneering Councils?
| less than a minute read
Pioneering carbon reduction work - but real results surely need national action?
The authorities that are using planning powers to cut carbon emissions
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