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Covid arrears announcement

Just out, a further statement from the government about covid arrears and the proposed binding arbitration scheme. Note the comment that “From today, the government is also protecting commercial tenants from debt claims, including County Court Judgements (CCJs), High Court Judgements (HCJs) and bankruptcy petitions, issued against them in relation to rent arrears accrued during the pandemic” and also that “landlords are encouraged to attempt to reach a negotiated agreement with tenants rather than pursue a CCJ. Where a CCJ is issued, this can be considered within the legal arbitration process when this comes into effect”. As yet, there is no sign of the promised revised Code of Practice but this latest press release will no doubt impact many of the claims currently being pursued by landlords through the courts.

“Property owners and their tenants should be wholly focused on working together to continue the economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic” Melanie Leech, British Property Federation CEO

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dispute resolution, rosalind cullis, covid arrears, ccj, landlords, tenants, rent arrears, hcj, real estate litigation, real estate dipsutes, commercial real estate, property disputes, property litigation