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Doggy day care created job opportunities - appeal allowed

Here's a topical planning appeal decision (APP/D1590/W/21/3267124) given the number of lock-down acquired pooches and the prospect of their owners returning back to the office.

The appeal related to a commercial unit located within an industrial estate in Southend on Sea. Planning permission had been sought for a change of use from a light industrial/commercial unit to an animal (day) boarding establishment.  Both parties agreed the use of the site as a day care facility for dogs did not fall into any use class and was therefore a sui generis use.

The main issue in the appeal was whether this use would be appropriate having regards to its location within an employment growth area, where employment generating use class 'B' type uses were protected by the Council’s local plan policies.

The Inspector found that the facility provided five full-time and five part-time jobs and therefore contributed to employment opportunities within the area. The facility also provided work experience for twenty students per week from local colleges, enabling the students to gain "hands-on" dog handling/care.

The Inspector concluded that the use was appropriate for the location and allowed the appeal.

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john bosworth, planning, planning law, planning appeal, industrial, planning permission, doggy day care