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Commercial Property Moratorium Extended

The so called “final” extension of the forfeiture moratorium deadline announced in December has now been extended by the Government until 30 June 2021. Given the events of the start of this year, this news was hardly surprising. 

In addition, further restrictions are to be enacted which will effectively prevent landlords exercising CRAR until 1 July 2021. However, there is yet to be an announcement in relation to use of statutory demands and winding up petitions, where the current deadline remains 31 March 2021. Will this also be extended? We wait to see but in the meantime, as ever, the Government is encouraging parties to reach settlement on arrears with reference to the Code of Conduct as best practice for such negotiations and noting that it is “prepared to take further steps” if these discussions do not happen. 

It has launched a call for evidence and will set out potential next steps that may be taken after 30 June 2021 which include a phased withdrawal of current protections to legislative options to protect those most impacted by Covid-19. Certainly there remain concerns amongst landlords, as expressed by the British Property Federation, that not all tenants are adhering to the Code and paying rent when they can afford to do so.

Well-capitalised businesses, who can but won't pay rent, have raided our nation's pensions and savings invested in commercial property - this scandal must stop

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dispute resolution, rosalind cullis, coronavirus, property moratorium, crar, government, code of conduct, property litigation, commercial real estate, commercial property, forfeiture