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Can the RICS help resolve Covid rent disputes?

It is clear that many landlords are becoming increasingly frustrated by the non-payment of rent by those tenants who might not immediately strike them as being obvious casualties of Covid-19. 

Despite the government's Code of Practice encouraging full disclosure in relation to non-payment and requests for concessions, this is simply best practice guidance and, for the moment at least, there is no redress if parties do not comply. 

The RICS has now launched an independent evaluation service aimed at easing 'tensions' between landlords and tenants.  The RICS will act as a third- party mediator and look to provide a resolution within 28 days. If achievable, this sort of timescale will no doubt be attractive, at least to landlords, and for both parties it potentially offers a cost effective way to resolve disputes.

“We hope that this service will contribute to the recovery of a fully functioning commercial market as the sector navigates this difficult time period, and will provide landlords and tenants with the inclusive and safe space they need to work out how to resolve any disputes (John Fletcher, director of dispute resolution, RICS)

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dispute resolution, rosalind cullis, coronavirus, rics, landlord and tenant, rent, rent concessions, property litigation, real estate dispute resolution, real estate diputes