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| 1 minute read

Occupiers ready to start new norm

It is a common trait of the human mind to look to the future rather than live in the present and this is another report suggesting that we are beginning to see flickers of light at the end of the tunnel in the fight against this global pandemic. 

JLL’s report indicates that people are starting to plan for the future in a world where we live alongside Covid-19. One thing is clear, we will all get back to some normality but the new normality will be very different from the pre-Covid-19 normality. 

All sectors will be affected, be it the office sector where employers will need to look for ways of keeping employees socially distanced resulting in more employees working from home; retail and leisure where a number of restaurants are looking at offering delivery and collection services; logistics where we will become more reliant on the domestic supply chain or investment where investors will be looking for income stability, which favours living and office property that has credit tenancies, lower exposure to variable rent and strong remaining lease terms. There will no doubt be a huge amount of change in the world that we live in and as JLL conclude in their report “businesses will not go back to looking and feeling like they did before Covid-19, with the workplace becoming a “liquid and distributed ecosystem model” and new behaviours adopted”.

"businesses will not go back to looking and feeling like they did before Covid-19, with the workplace becoming a liquid and distributed ecosystem model and new behaviours adopted”

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offices, adam bernstein, commercial real estate, retail, logistics, leisure, coronavirus