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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

| 1 minute read

From competitive socialising to domestic socialising in a matter of weeks

Only just over a month ago, Maples Teesdale was proudly sponsoring Home Leisure Direct's Competitive Socialising 2020 event. The sold out event was full of optimism about the latest innovations and technology for the future of Competitive Socialising. Whilst things on this front have stalled for now, I am pleased to read on the BBC's website that the organiser, Home Leisure Direct is continuing to thrive.  

It is perhaps unsurprising that there is increased domestic demand for games equipment. I myself, have invested in a pool table, ping pong table and darts board, as well as enough sporting equipment to open my own miniature sports shop, to keep my family entertained. Clearly I am not alone. 

It is encouraging to see positive retail stories in these uncertain times. As our Managing Partner said today in his daily update to the Firm, it is a comforting thought to think of people spending time polishing up their ping pong skills and spending time as a family. All the benefits of competitive socialising; physical activity, spending time together, enjoying games, learning / improving skills, now being shared within the home. That has got to be a good thing? 

This evening I am going to be "taught" ping pong by my sons. Little do they know that I have yet to unleash my full skills, honed during years of attending youth club in Liverpool!  Competitive, me?!

Games supplier Andy Beresford says his entire stock of outdoor table tennis tables is sold and a delivery due this week is pre-sold.

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retail, anastasia klein, commercial real estate, competitive socialising, leisure, coronavirus