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Agreement on valuation method needed to complete flexible offices' move to mainstream

Whilst the industry continues to wait for the RICS to issue guidance on appropriate valuation methodology, flexible office providers have continued their journey towards becoming mainstream occupiers. More and more flexible spaces have opened and more data, such as trading history, has been generated which has given landlords and investors comfort. The sector is firmly established and continues to grow, however as this article highlights valuation can still be a hurdle. There are now at least some methods in use, but until an accepted basis for valuation is adopted by the market it is likely to remain a difficult sell to certain types of investor.

Current valuation models for flexible workspace centres are not fit for purpose and a market accepted model is now essential to the sector’s growth, especially given increasing interest in the flexible sector and the desire of property companies and funds to invest

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commercial property, offices, co-work spaces, serviced offices, mark harryman, rics, occupiers