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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

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Retail investment - repositioning, regeneration and placemaking

We are hosting a Repositioning Retail seminar on Thursday 27 June, with a presentation on town centre regeneration and future placemaking from Julie Pears (Head of Future Places at Ellandi), followed by a panel discussion featuring Madeleine McDougall (Lloyds Banking Group), Shaun Hose (Patrizia) and Ros Goode (Avison Young).

The relevance of this subject was highlighted by comments that accompanied the recently-released full-year results for Landsec. They have faced the age-old problem for investors in an asset class where values have been tumbling: whether to cut your losses and sell, or ride out the storm until the (hopefully inevitable) recovery. The view of Landsec's CFO, Martin Greenslade, is that once the market has turned, it's too late to sell. 

Of course, it's not a simple binary choice, and there is an obvious third option for investors: not passively waiting for better times, but being proactive, putting further investment into their centres. Some might see this as counter-intuitive, throwing good money after bad; others would say that if you are an investor with the skills, money and vision, then now might be a very good time to be at the vanguard of repositioning, regeneration and placemaking of assets which are at the heart of our communities.

Please let us know if you would like to attend our seminar where we will be exploring these ideas. 

Maples Teesdale are pleased to invite you to our Repurposing Retail breakfast seminar on Thursday 27 June 2019

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retail, commercialproperty, repositioning, repurposing, placemaking, realestate, charles elgood