This is an intersting look at a few anticipated planning changes in the pipeline for 2019, and its good to see that Simon wasn't too carried away with the pre-Christmas party season to spot the proposed CIL amendment regulations that were published on 20 December. Once these become law two of the 'sticks' that were intended to encourage local authorities to adopt the CIL will cease to exist. Gone will be the much ignored "pooling restriction" which arbitrarily limits the number of section 106 agreements for a single item of infrastructure to five. Also to be abolished is the prohibition on using section 106 agreements to fund infrastructure that is mentioned in an authority's infrastructure CIL list. A mere 9 years after coming to force, the CIL regulations are slowly starting to make sense. Now for that definition of 'lawful use'........
| less than a minute read
Community Infrastructure Levy - no longer a carrot and stick approach
2025 is shaping up to be an exciting year. Not only is 2025 the 150 year anniversary of Maples Teesdale but we are also proud to announce...