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London Offices in 2030?

I was on the EG Panel yesterday at the Future of London Offices event. 

Predictions were for massive expansion of the serviced office sector and the need for landlords to embrace the flexible office lease . 

Historically operators have either been providers of conventional space or serviced space but today lines are blurred.

Conventional landlords are now offering serviced space as a matter of course with all inclusive rents and no dilapidations. 

The key for occupiers especially the SMEs is ease of access to space and the ability to plug in and work straight away. 

Ironically the service operators also create the  biggest demand for traditional longer fri leases.  They are both tenants and competitors of the landlord institutions. 

Currently the serviced office sector in London is c 4% , by 2030 it was predicted they will account for 25% to 30%.

What London’s offices will look like in 2030

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offices, commercial property, serviced offices, roger thornton