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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

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Transport for London is planning to become the largest build-to-rent landlord in London

TFL is planning to be one of the biggest build-to-rent landlords in London. They have lots of prime sites on their transport hubs across central London, some 5,500 acres in all. TFL's Graeme Craig has a target of 10,000 homes to build and rent out by 2021, so roughly 3,000 units a year.

There will be no sales, rather all the homes are to be rented to provide a sustainable income stream for TFL.

This new initiative will create plenty of JV opportunities for developers  housebuilders and investors. Funds wanting to invest in this sector will be able to partner with TFL.

TFL are also partnering with adjoining landowners to maximise development potential and place making opportunities. For example in Morden they have partnered with the local authority to create a new town centre.  

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tfl, build-to-rent, placemaking, jv opportunities, commercial real estate, public services