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Secondary and tertiary shopping centres...the future

We act for a number of investors in regional shopping centres, whether they are institutions or private equity funded asset managers. 

The sector has its strains at the moment undoubtedly, but the yields remain strong and we have not seen investment appetite drop off as some have predicted. 

Our clients continue to invest and see positive opportunities in the sector. Asset management is key and initiatives to create vibrant and interesting retail centres will reap rewards.

There will be some significant investment opportunities in this sector. People will always want to visit shops, restaurants and bars and not just stay at home on the internet. 

What’s in store for secondary/ tertiary shopping centres? By EG03/04/2018 | RetailPrintDownloadShare Our retail property market is under enormous pressure in town and city centres across the UK, writes Daniel Mead. Daniel Mead Recent sales of Callendar Square, Falkirk for £1M and Abbeygate Centre, Birmingham for £4.3m reflect enormous discounts from pre-financial crisis highs. The retail landscape is changing rapidly, driven by shifting consumer habits and retailers failing to generate profits, as their offer becomes increasingly outdated. Even retail leaders Next and John Lewis are struggling to maintain profits.

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private equity, insitutional investors, retail, shopping centres, investors, commercial real estate