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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

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Great minds think alike...regardless of seniority

When is the right time to really start focusing on building your professional network? One thing is for certain - it is never too early! Business development is a key skill that all professionals, especially in the property world, should be working on. 

This is why it is so great to see initiatives encouraging young professionals to network - we have BPF's Futures, IPF's NextGen, EG's Tomorrow's Leaders and Property Week's "40 under forty"...and it is fantastic to see CREation expand this to property graduates. 

Our own initiative here at Maples Teesdale is called Emerging Leaders and it was designed to bring mid-level property professionals together, with a view to providing them with valuable insights and industry know-how as well as an opportunity to network with their industry peers. It is embracing the fact that today's associates will be tomorrow's directors and partners leading the various players in the property sector.

To join Emerging Leaders click here

Meet The Young Guns Reviving The Art Of Networking For Real Estate Graduates

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emerging leaders, bpf futures, ipf nextgen, property week, creation, estates gazette