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The latest news and events at Maples Teesdale

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Women Leading Real Estate

In the aftermath of the President's Club revelations, I am proud to be involved in an event putting women center stage. 

It is just over a week until I will be moderating a panel at the Driving Change & Building the Pipeline for Aspiring Young Leaders panel at the Bisnow Women Leading Real Estate event on Wednesday 14th February.

I am looking forward to discussing the diversity challenge facing our industry with our excellent panelists; Sherin Aminossehe, Brian Bickell, Sue Clayton, Colette O'Shea and Lynda Shillaw. 

We will bring together the top female executives from all walks of the London real estate community to discuss new trends, current projects, and learn what is takes to get to the top of a male dominated industry. Find out what makes these executives tick and how they are leaving their mark on the real estate industry.

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commercial property, women in leadership, women in business, diversity, diversity